Lady Ann's Excellent Adventure (A Regency Short Story) Page 4
"I feel that we are. At least for today, for tonight. But you know my situation. Tomorrow …" Her voice cracked a bit and she took a shuddery breath. "Tomorrow I am to become officially betrothed. I cannot see you again."
He lifted a hand and stroked her cheek. "Are you certain, my Annie? Must you go through with it?"
"Yes. You know I must. My father created a scandal by marrying against the king's wishes. All my life I have been warned of the evils of scandal, and how my own reputation must be without blemish. I … I know my duty, Will. I wish it were otherwise." She gave a little cry. "Oh, you cannot know how much I wish it!" Tears fell down her cheeks, and she hid her eyes.
He took her in his arms and let her cry. It almost broke his heart to see her so unhappy, after growing to adore her smile and her gaiety, her joy in simple pleasures, the mischievous light in her eyes. If he were a true gentleman, he would tell her the truth right now. She would know there was nothing to fear.
But some imp of mischief compelled him to silence. It also compelled him to do one last thing to make his own day's pleasure complete. Hers, too, perhaps, though she would not think so later.
He nudged her chin with his shoulder and gently lifted her face to look at him. "We each have our separate duties, Annie. But for this day and night, we have had only us. Two people who haven't even shared our true names. But it has been grand, my dear, and I shall always remember my Annie."
He bent his mouth to hers and kissed her.
Annie had never been kissed, and this one was a spectacular introduction. She had always imagined it would be a simple meeting of lips, but this was so much more. He nibbled and tasted and explored, causing her knees to get wobbly. Sensing her weakness, he gathered her closer and teased her lips open. What followed surprised and delighted her, and made all sensible thought leave her head as he drew her tongue deeper into his mouth, caressing it with his own. At some point, she could not have said when, her arms had wrapped around his neck, and she found herself pulling him down to her, wanting this moment never to end.
When he finally pulled away, he began to trail kisses down her throat and neck. It was a glorious sensation, but she could not allow it. This had to stop. She could not allow herself to be so thoroughly kissed by a man she was never to see again.
With a prodigious effort and a choking sob, she wrenched herself from his arms. "Good-bye, Will. I wish … Good-bye." She turned away and ran toward the entrance of her father's house.
Chalmers, the stalwart butler at Gloucester Houses, did a masterful job of hiding his surprise at seeing her. "My lady" was all he said as he bowed her into the entry hall.
Ann was not surprised to see Barnes at the top of the stairs, stiff and tall, with arms crossed over her thin chest. "Where have you been?"
Ann ignored her and made her way up the stairs.
"Where have you been?" she repeated when Annie drew abreast of her.
But Ann said nothing. How could she? How could she explain about Will and oysters and dancing? And kissing?
Barnes grabbed her arm. "We have been searching for you all day, my lady. Where have you been?"
Ann glared at the woman. "Remove your hand, Barnes."
Barnes seemed to realize she had overstepped her bounds and removed her hand as though it hand been scalded.
"You forget who I am, Barnes. I owe no explanation to you. Now, I should like a hot bath. See that it is prepared."
The woman stared at Ann as though she were a stranger, but said nothing, except to shout for a housemaid.
Ann felt empty as she bathed and allowed herself to be dressed for bed. She would not let herself think or feel. She would go mad if she did.
Barnes hovered and fussed, but asked no more questions. When a knock on her bedchamber door was followed by the arrival of the duke, Barnes slipped away and left them alone. Ann rose, curtsied to her father, and offered him a chair. He had been ill, and looked very old and frail. She was genuinely sorry to have given him so much trouble.
"I do not know what to say to you, Ann. You are too old to be getting into scrapes. And I am told you have no explanation for your disappearance."
Ann shook her head. He would not understand. None of them would.
"It took a great many people a very long time to find you. And to find you in such a place! I simply cannot believe it. Lady Ann of Gloucester, niece to the king of England, cavorting among fishwives and bank clerks in vulgar costumes. I do not know how you could have done such a thing, especially now, when you know how important tomorrow is."
Oh, yes. She knew.
"What shall we do if Evesham discovers what you've been up to? He could refuse to make an offer, you know. And then where will you be? In disgrace, that's where."
He seemed to be awaiting some kind of response, but she had none. She could not even look at him, she was so ashamed. After a long silence, her father stood and came to her, tilting her chin up to look at him.
"My girl, you are so sad." His eyes were filled with concern. "Is it the marriage? Is it so distasteful to you that you had to run away?"
She could no longer remain silent when he looked at her like that. "No, Papa. I am willing to go through with the marriage, as planned. I won't disappoint you in that."
He patted her cheek. "Good girl. Then let's forget all this nonsense about masquerades and such. We won't speak of it again. Get a good night's sleep and be bright and fresh for the earl's visit in the morning."
"Yes, Papa."
But she was not to get a good night's sleep. She cried and cried, clasping the guidebook to her chest. She was determined to forget about Will. She'd only spent a single day and evening with him, after all. He should be easy to forget.
Then why did she feel like her heart was breaking?
"You look beautiful, Lady Ann." Barnes had been supervising the maids who dressed her, ensuring that the morning dress of striped India muslin, the jewelry, and the coiffure were just so. Ann did not remember ever before seeing the dress, but did not much care how she looked this morning. It did not matter. Her staff would insure she was turned out to perfection.
"You are a very lucky young lady," Barnes continued. "I am told the earl is an extremely handsome gentleman. And since his father is second cousin to the king, your children will have royal blood from both parents. Do try not to look so downpin, my lady. You must make an effort to please the earl. It is your duty, you know."
"Please do not speak to me of duty."
"Of course not, my lady. It is not necessary as you always know what to do. I hope this gloomy demeanor is not because you were hoping for a love match. Marriages in royal circles seldom are, so you must accept what has been arranged for you."
"And you, Barnes, must accept what is arranged for you. I will not be needing your services after my marriage."
The woman looked momentarily shocked, but schooled her features quickly. "As you wish, my lady."
Her father came in to tell her that the earl was in the drawing room and wished to speak with her privately. "I will allow you a few moments alone with him, and I trust you will say all that is proper. And do try to look more cheerful. You're not being led to your execution. He's a good man, Ann. It's a good match for you."
Ann wondered how a man who'd defied his family by marrying for love could be so uncompromising with his daughter.
She followed the duke downstairs without once checking herself in the mirror.
A footman opened the drawing room door for her and when she stepped inside, closed it behind her. A tall, dark-haired gentleman stood by the window, looking out toward the park. She took a deep breath and said, "You wish to see me, my lord?"
"I do indeed."
That voice! He turned around, smiling, and her knees almost buckled underneath her.
"I have, in fact, thought of little else but seeing you again, my Annie."
She was literally dumbstruck. How could this be? Her Will – her rescuer
, her fellow adventurer, her friend – was the Earl of Evesham?
Of course. His friends had called him Ev. For Evesham, not Evelyn.
And how had she not recognized that dark wavy hair that had been so striking in the young boy she'd met long ago?
But why had he not told her? Why had he pretended not to know her?
The wretch!
She flew at him, fists flailing. "You! How could you?"
He caught her wrists, and wrapped them around his waist as he pulled her against him. "I am sorry, my love, but you were irresistible up that tree. And you still are." He ran his nose along her neck. "Especially wearing the perfume I bought for you yesterday. It will always remind me of my Annie, my uninhibited hoyden."
He dipped his head and kissed her.
She fought him, but only for an instant. As annoyed as she was with him, she still wanted this. When he released her wrists in order to wrap his arms around her, she twined her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Their kiss became deep and lush and full of promise. And seemed never-ending.
When he finally lifted his head, he grinned down at her. "It was wrong of me, I know. But how could I pass up the opportunity to become better acquainted with the woman I am to marry without her knowing it? I thought I might perhaps get a less formal glimpse into the character of the very formal Lady Ann. And I do not regret it. I doubt you would ever have revealed yourself so thoroughly to your stiff-necked, officious bridegroom."
"Hmm. I might have done, if he turned out to be as charming as my Will."
"I shall endeavor to charm you for the rest our lives. I believe we shall rub along together rather nicely, don't you, Annie?"
"Oh, yes." And she kissed him.
Although Lady Ann is a fictional character, her father and all the royal cousins mentioned are real historical figures. Prince William Henry, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh, was King George III's younger brother. His marriage to Maria Walpole, Countess of Waldegrave was kept secret from the king, who would never have approved his brother's marriage to a widow of illegitimate birth. The king did not learn of the marriage until after the passage of the Royal Marriages Act of 1772, which prohibited descendants of George II from marrying without the monarch's approval. (The Act is still in effect today.) The Act was a direct result of the unsuitable marriage of another royal brother, Prince Henry, Duke of Cumberland. The king was furious to learn that his brother Gloucester, said to be his favorite sibling, had also married unsuitably, and in secret.
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester had three children, two of whom survived into adulthood. None of their children was named Ann. She is entirely an invention of the author. Had she been real, she would have been known as Princess Ann of Gloucester. Her styling in this story as Lady Ann of Gloucester is simply a matter of literary license. Lady Ann's Excellent Adventure had a more interesting, and less young-adult, ring to it than Princess Ann's Excellent Adventure. But for all the royal purists out there, the author is quite aware that the title is incorrect.
Candice Hern is the award-winning, bestselling author of historical romance novels set during the English Regency, a period she knows well through years of collecting antiques and fashion prints of the period. She travels to England regularly, always in search of more historical and local color to bring her stories and characters to life.
Her books have won praise for the "intelligence and elegant romantic sensibility" (Romantic Times) as well as "delicious wit and luscious sensuality (Booklist).
Candice's award-winning website ( is often cited for its Regency World pages, where readers interested in the era will find an illustrated glossary, a detailed timeline, illustrated digests of Regency people and places, articles on Regency fashion, research links, and much more. It is the only author website listed among the online resources for the Jane Austen Centre in England.